Everything You Need to Know About Bee Pollen: Harvest, Benefits and Use


Bee pollen is a natural superfood that is gaining popularity for its many health benefits. Used for centuries, it is now valued for its nutritional and energy-boosting properties. But what exactly is bee pollen, and how is it harvested? Let’s find out everything you need to know about this fascinating product.

What is Bee Pollen?

Bee pollen is a fine powder collected by bees from the stamens of flowers. This pollen contains all the nutrients essential to bees, making it a valuable food source for their colony. Composed of proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, bee pollen is considered one of nature's most complete foods.

How Do Bees Collect Pollen?

Foraging bees travel from flower to flower to collect nectar, but also pollen. They use their hind legs, equipped with small pockets called "pollen baskets", to transport these precious particles to the hive. Along the way, the bees mix the pollen with their saliva, forming small balls, which will then be stored in the hive to feed the larvae and the queen.

How is Bee Pollen Harvested?

Bee pollen is collected by beekeepers using a device called a pollen trap. This system is installed at the entrance to the hive. When the bees return from their collection, they must pass through a mesh that detaches a small part of the pollen from their legs. This pollen falls into a collection bin. It is then carefully dried to be preserved and used by humans. At Miel&Co., we offer dehydrated pollen , which preserves its nutritional properties while making it easier to store.

The Benefits of Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is known for its many health benefits. Here are some of the reasons why it is so popular:

  • Strengthening the immune system : Rich in antioxidants, pollen helps strengthen the body's natural defenses, especially during seasonal changes.
  • Energy Boost : Due to its high protein and vitamin content, it is an excellent supplement to increase energy levels.
  • Digestive Support : Pollen contains enzymes that help improve digestion.
  • Reducing Seasonal Allergies : Taken regularly before and during allergy season, pollen can help reduce sensitivity to allergens.

When to Take Bee Pollen?

Bee pollen can be consumed throughout the year, but it is especially recommended to introduce it into your routine during the changing seasons , especially in spring and fall. This can help strengthen your immune system against weather changes and seasonal allergies.

How to Consume Bee Pollen?

Bee pollen can be consumed in a variety of ways. Here are some suggestions:

  • By the spoonful: You can also consume the pollen as is, taking a small teaspoon each day at lunch.
  • In a smoothie : Add a tablespoon of pollen to your morning smoothie for a nutritional boost.
  • With Yogurt : Sprinkle pollen over plain yogurt for a crunchy texture and natural sweetness.
  • On salads : Add it to your salads for a crunchy and floral touch.

What does it taste like?

Bee pollen has a unique taste that varies depending on the flowers the bees visit. Its taste is slightly sweet and floral, with occasional earthy or herbal notes. The texture is grainy and crunchy, making it enjoyable to add to various dishes or enjoy straight from the jar.

Bee Pollen and Allergies: What You Need to Know

It is common to wonder if people with allergies to windblown pollen can consume bee pollen. The good news is that windblown pollen allergies are not necessarily related to a bee pollen allergy .

The pollen that causes seasonal allergies, such as grass pollen, is airborne and particularly light, allowing it to travel long distances. This type of pollen is what causes hay fever and other respiratory allergies. Bee pollen, on the other hand, is heavier and collected directly by bees from specific flowers. It is processed by the bees before being brought back to the hive, which changes its chemical composition.

However, as a precaution, it is advisable to start by consuming bee pollen in small amounts to observe if a reaction occurs. In the vast majority of cases, people allergic to airborne pollen do not react to bee pollen, but it is always better to be cautious if you have a history of severe allergies.


Bee pollen is much more than just a dietary supplement. It is a concentrate of essential nutrients, capable of strengthening your health and vitality. If you are looking for a natural way to improve your well-being, incorporating bee pollen into your diet can be a simple and effective solution. At our store, we offer you dehydrated bee pollen to guarantee its quality and benefits. So, why not try this natural superfood and enjoy all it has to offer?

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